Vote to Earn 🗳️

Voting helps determine the legitimacy of updates and increases earnings. When other users agree or disagree, the information is added to the map.

How voting works ❓

When a traffic update has been initiated, the information becomes visible on the apps of fellow users, prompting a voting process to either confirm or reject the proposed change. Engaging in this voting system not only contributes to the accuracy of the update but also serves as an opportunity to enhance your earnings. Regardless of the outcome—whether the majority confirms or rejects the update—active participation in the voting process plays a pivotal role in shaping the real-time accuracy of our traffic information, creating a collaborative and rewarding experience for all users.

Floating Vote 🚣‍♂️

To enhance the experience, even if a vote isn't immediately processed, users will still be notified of the attempted vote. This allows them to adapt their driving style accordingly, providing an extra layer of safety while waiting for confirmation.

Fake Updates ❌

Attempting to game the system by dropping fake updates just to boost earnings won't work. If other users consistently vote against these updates, the user will face penalties and won't be able to earn for up to 24 hours. If this pattern repeats more than five times, the account will be blocked. This safeguard is in place to protect the system and the community, ensuring that genuine and accurate information prevails during driving, ultimately enhancing the overall experience.

Last updated